
纽约市竞选财务委员会开放审计全职机会,年薪$46,000 - $53,000

纽约市竞选财务委员会The NYC Campaign Finance Board (CFB)是一个无党派的独立机构,旨在增强纽约市居民在选举中的作用。我们提供一个充满活力的工作环境、培训、发展潜力和卓越的福利。


-Analyze financial records and disclosure statements for financial, compliance and investigative audits of political campaigns. Overtime will be required to complete work as needed.

-Perform audits in accordance with Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS) and following internally developed specialized programs.

-Manage assigned audit caseload in team structure.

-Provide assistance in planning activities of the audit team during the post-election period and coordinating the team’s activities with other CFB units.

-Prepare written reports and correspondence that are clear, concise, accurate and timely.

-Communicate with campaigns in a professional manner and assist in providing guidance to campaigns on various audit and compliance issues.

Essential Skills:

-The ideal candidate will be a team player capable of meeting tight deadlines.

-Strong analytical, problem solving, and communication skills (both verbal and written).

-A strong work ethic and meticulous attention to detail.

-Background or interest in politics and government.


-A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college, and two to three years of experience in one or a combination of the following: financial administration, accounting, compliance or investigative auditing, fraud reviews, working with a large public or private concern in budget administration, economics, finance, fiscal or economic research, fiscal management, personnel or public administration, program evaluation; or a related area; OR a satisfactory combination of education and experience in the areas described above. 

-New York City residency must be obtained within 90 days of starting the position.

-Auditing Standards strongly preferred.

-A master’s degree is not required but will be a plus.

-Ability to work overtime when required.


PrimeVest Group是专业的职业咨询辅导公司,从2003年起,我们已向许多学员提供了优质的求职服务,协助数以千计的留学生,大学本科生和毕业生成功就业。PrimeVest与全美多家公司都有合作,合作公司涉及领域遍布金融、会计、机械工程、市场、CS等多个专业领域,海量职位虚位以待。 我们坚持学员第一的服务原则,承诺无面试全额退款的政策。 如果您还在为找工作而发愁的话,请加wx【primevestgroup】免费咨询