【HR直推】纽约老牌出版社带薪实习-Digital Marketing

纽约老牌出版社W. W. Norton & Company带薪实习- Digital Marketing - $15/hour



- Completing sample exams and activities to populate digital gradebooks for our online learning tools (InQuizitive and Smartwork5) to create a pool of demonstrative data for potential clients and professors.

- Aiding marketing managers by researching select titles and universities, collecting a list of contacts, and organizing the data into direct marketing spreadsheets.

- Conducting social media research for articles and relevant science topics with the intent of posting and maintaining science social media accounts.

- Collaborating on digital and direct marketing strategies and researching competitors.

- Compiling ads, distributing them to corner offices, and inputting book lists into QuickView, Norton’s database platform.

- Some administrative duties such as preparing envelopes for mailing, transcribing audio meetings, and helping with FAQ pages.

- Close-captioning marketing videos.



PrimeVest Group是专业的职业咨询辅导公司,从2003年起,我们已向许多学员提供了优质的求职服务,协助数以千计的留学生,大学本科生和毕业生成功就业。PrimeVest与全美多家公司都有合作,合作公司涉及领域遍布金融、会计、机械工程、市场、CS等多个专业领域,海量职位虚位以待。 我们坚持学员第一的服务原则,承诺无面试全额退款的政策。 如果您还在为找工作而发愁的话,请加wx【primevestgroup】免费咨询